Sunday, July 10, 2011

Growth Spurt

I live with my parents and I'm approaching my third decade in this world. I didn't always live with them, but for the majority of my life I have. Call it laziness, "Failure to Launch", selfishness, madness, whatever. It is what it is. I don't believe in fate or destiny or any of that pre-ordained crap. I used to, though. I used to believe in it more than I believed anything else. My life's path was set in stone, and there was nothing I could do about it. So I just sat back and let things happen as they might, without too much interference on my part. And that's probably why I'm here today, living with my parents. I waited for destiny, but that bitch never came. She didn't even call back after giving me such hopes and dreams. Destiny is a huge cock-tease. But like I said, I don't believe in that crap anymore. But I do believe things happen. No, not for a reason, as a reason is a given when something happens. Does that make sense? I mean, something causes something to happen, thus giving something a "reason". So I figure, it's a bit redundant and silly (in a bad way) to say, "everything happens for a reason". It's probably why I get nasty looks every time someone says that and my response is always (ALWAYS) "well, duh". I'm nothing if not a tactless bastard. And I'm okay with that. I don't need the love of everyone to make me happy. I'm perfectly content with the love of my family and a handful of friends. Which brings me to the real meat of this blog. I live with my parents, which I've already said before. My father is the same age as most people's grandparents. My mother is the same age as most people's, uh, parents. I'd say, " you do the math", but since I didn't give any actual ages, you have my permission to think poorly of my parents if you so choose. That's your deal, not mine. Even if I know you're wrong. But that's neither here nor there. Back on track... I live with a retiree and a working woman. They are both in relatively good health. They both look really really good for their respective ages. Well, at least, my dad USED to. For about the past month, he's been slowly declining. No, I don't mean "dying". I mean, he's beginning to show his age due to an unexplained back pain that has more or less crippled him into an invalid state of being. As a result, my mother and I have had to step up to pick up what my father has been forced to drop. For years (yes, years) I've joked with my friends and family that the REAL reason I still live at home isn't because of a shitty economy and my lack of many marketable skills, nor is it because of my lack of money. We'd all joke that it's because I'm taking care of my father as he gets older and less able to do many things. So it would seem to some as fate or destiny or whatever that I was meant to stay at home this entire time, just so down the road, at this moment, I could step up and take over for my father and take care of him and the house. You'll have to excuse me if I laugh at anyone for thinking that.You know what I see? I see an inevitability (my father's aging, therefore lessening of what he can and can't do). If that's fate, then it's just a fancy way of stating the obvious. If I sound bitter or angry, then that has more to do with my deficient abilities to properly convey my point than anything else. And that may come as a surprise to some people. I love my parents. They are great people, and it makes me happy to do things for them (even if I, at times, seem ungrateful--which is admittedly often. But that's another story for another day). For those who know me in Real Life, you may be worried that, since I'm blogging about it that I must be sad. After all, the whole reason I started blogging in the first place was to get free counsel for the problems, real and percieved, I was facing at the time. But this particular blog DOES have one thing in common with my old blogging habits. I'm not sure of what I'm doing, so I'm blogging. I am blogging to seek help in that regard. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just a simple man-child who has been "forced" into a wholly adult role. But you know what? It feels "right" to be "forced" into this position of much increased responsibility. That's not to say that it's destiny or anything. It means that, due to how events unfolded, I am doing what I think is best, which makes it feel "right" to me. I'm going to do what is best for my family because they have done the same for me and because I love them and I haven't and will never think twice about helping any of them. All this being said, I wouldn't be surprised if I start to blog more frequently, recounting my adventures in grocery shopping, making dinner, and basically being a..... Stay-at-Home Son or a House-child? I guess those are what you would call me....  I dunno. If anyone can think of something more awesome, that would be super! I realize there's a high-potential for blandness and much suckage in blogging about every day things, but these things are woefully new to me once again, after so long of not doing them. And when I DID do them, I wasn't very good, so it's really worth it (to me) to blog about it, because it's almost a guarantee that hilarity will ensue.