Thursday, February 9, 2012

How I View My Job

I'm sitting here, watching "How I Met Your Mother", feeling rather ambivalent to the show. It has moments, but it's not really funny. I think my blood pressure is getting high again. I haven't slept well in days, and I'm pretty sure that my work environment is a contributing factor to it. When everything goes as it should, my job actually makes me happy, and I actually like it. As it is, I often have to put up with a lot of BS and the laziness of my co-workers. I'm not saying I'm the perfect employee, but I've definitely got a good work ethic. I try to do my job, and everyday I hope that my coworkers will do their own jobs so I can leave them alone and they can leave me alone. Even when everything goes perfectly and I'm loving my job, I do not ever WANT to be there. I would much rather be doing other things. But as it stands, I have to work to live, so I do. I try not to complain about my job at my job. I save that shit for here on this blog. Lately, though, I've been letting my boss know that some things that have been bothering me. He acknowledges them....and more or less does nothing about them. And that's actually okay with me. Early on, I recognized that my boss is not the best boss, but he's a good guy who just wants to get along with everyone. I can understand that and I don't begrudge my boss that. I just wish he was more boss-like. Still, I'm happy to be employed right now. The fact of the matter is, I really would put up with so much more bullshit as long as it meant that I kept my employment and those paychecks keep rolling in. I feel damn fortunate that I've got this steady employment that has finally enabled me to save up money for a house. Me. Saving to buy a house. Holy fucking dog shit, dude....


  1. One thing to _definitely_ keep in mind about this job: This was your getting-my-foot-in-the-door job. You're only supposed to keep this job for two or three years. Then you'll have a pharmacy tech job on your resume with two years of experience, and it'll be time to get a Good Job (tm)! I've been seeing a lot of Pharmacy Tech jobs on the job sites recently, too.

    Also... holy shit, dude. You're trying to buy a house!

  2. We should have a job bitching session. I got plenty to add. Miss you!
