Monday, February 20, 2012


I really don't know why I do this blogging thing anymore. Sure, I've got a problem, and I used to blog about my problems. But I honestly don't feel like doing it...and yet I do. Or at least I think I do. Anyway, I'm having to shell out nearly $600 so I can be all legal to sell my RAV4. I'm paying that chunk of money to my lawyer because, after talking about it with my parents and my bestest buds, I decided that if I had any contact with my ex-wife, it would lead to bad bad things. Just thinking about my ex-wife gives me thoughts of violence. So *shrug* I'm paying my lawyer to get this thing done for me. It sucks that I have to pay so much, but then again, I might be able to get some of that back if things go better than planned....which I'm honestly not expecting. I'm just hoping that getting this thing behind me won't go above those two hours. That's right, my lawyer costs $295 an hour. I'm not sure what lawyers cost on average, but when you make $12 an hour, $295 an hour seems incredibly steep. For the past week, I've been really down, and it's because of this bullshit. On one hand, I'm glad that this depression has an actual non-chemical cause. On the other hand, it is not fair that I have to have this depression at all. I'm just trying to do the right thing and keep myself out of trouble. It sucks and I hate it and I've put it off long enough. So this morning I sent my lawyer an e-mail and told her that I would pay her rate. I just hope this actually ends anything and everything that has to do with my ex-wife. I thought I was done five years ago, but I'm not. Hopefully, this will end it. Hopefully....

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