Monday, August 16, 2010

Feast on the Cat

Last night... or I should say early this morning, I had a dream...

It might have been around Thanksgiving time, or at the very least, around some time where my family and my sister's in-laws got together to make a huge fucking meal together. There was something about all of us going out and hunting chickens. Why we weren't hunting turkey instead, I don't know. It's why I'm not sure it was around Thanksgiving or not. Also, my family doesn't hunt, but my brother-in-law's family does. In the process of the hunt, we killed many chickens. My sister and her husband, on the other hand, did not kill a single chicken. Instead, for whatever reason, their fat-ass cat was out in the area we were hunting, and, again for whatever reason, my sister and her husband decided to trap their cat. The next moment, we're all sitting at a huge table. I'm sitting between my sister and her mother-in-law. We're all preparing our kills for cooking. I'm watching as my sister is holding down their cat and my brother-in-law cuts a small hole in the cat's stomach. A lot of air (or some other type of body gas) is released, but the cat's stomach does not cave in. While this is happening, my sister and her husband are saying something, but I can't remember what they are saying. The cat struggles and almost gets away, when my sister grabs a cleaver and chops off all the cat's legs up to about an inch from the body. There's no blood. As a matter of fact, it looks like the nubs are completely healed over. The cat struggles to move, struggles to run away. But it only falls and flounders. Around this time, I realize that the entire family is in the middle of discussing my sister's mother-in-law's past marriages and how her first marriage was just a marriage of convenience. At first, they just got a civil union, but later on decided to get really married. She then goes on to say that she married her current husband because it seemed like it would be.... and then I woke up with a start.

I'm not much into believing a dream has any specific meaning, if a meaning at all. Having a dream about fucking your dog does not mean you forgot to take the trash out last Tuesday. It just means your synapses fired in a specific yet random pattern. I've yet to see anything to the contrary.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's both - sometimes it can be significant & most times, it's just your subconcious brain going, "BLARGHEDY BLAH BLERGHEDY" because you know, it just kind of needs to do that to keep you from turning batshit insane.

    When I'm under a lot of stress, I dream of zombies. About 10 years ago, I was having constant, horrific nightmares where I would get shot in the throat. Turned out, there was a thing there... a few years later, I had a wee surgery in the very place the dream bullets would hit me. I have a scar there & no more dreams of getting shot in the neck.

    Sometimes, your brain tries to tell you things in your sleep. Other times, it's just, you know... "BLARGHEDY BLAH BLERGHEDY"!

    Poor dream cat, though... that's messed up.
