Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Wendy: The Bullet Points

I swore from the beginning I wasn't going to do this. But here I am. Writing down my thoughts on a more or less public forum. Fuck. Also, fuck it. It's my damn blog, right? I'll do what I want. That should be read in Cartman's voice, by the way.

I'm thinking of writing this piece that is a more or less autobiographical (?) letter to someone and yet no one in particular, based on a situation I've come across. I've tried time and again to write something that isn't intensely personal, but I don't seem entirely capable of it. I can get started on something non-personal, but it more often than not very quickly ends up in personal territory.

Anyway, enough with that twaddle. I gotta get this shit out and I gotta get this shit down before it becomes a regret.

How do you counsel someone, when you're often the one in need of counseling? How do you show someone the beauty of life beyond just the breathing when you couldn't care less whether or not you lived another day? How do you handle feeling like listening is not enough, even though you know for a fact that, at this point in time, it's more than enough and means the world to that person that you didn't say a word but just listened? How do you keep yourself from becoming emotionally invested in someone when your instinct is to protect?

How do you convince someone that everything is going to be okay when you don't have a clue?

How do you tell them you care and you'll listen but that's as far as it goes because, while you care, there are red flags popping up like popcorn in hell telling you to run the fuck away?

How do you buck your nature?

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