Sunday, March 21, 2010

And So It Begins.....Again

With the creation of this blog, I decided to create a semi-anonymous existence to speak my mind without resorting to cutting off anyone and everyone who wants to read my blog. So, if you know me in real life or in any of my handful of online dopplegangers, I ask that you help me keep my air of mystery (not to be confused with the air of my ass) and try not to refer to me by my real name. Just call me... "R.H.", "His Royal Rambliness", "El Ramblino", or something along those lines.

I'm starting this particular blog because I had let my other blogs become too transparent and specific. So with this blog, I'm gonna try to keep it as vague and muddled as possible, much like an actual hobo. So if I make less sense to those who know me, then I will have achieved my goal.

I'm here to have a good time with writing again. It's been a long time since I tried to blog regularly, and even longer since I attempted to write something worth anything. I'm gonna try to do those very things with this blog. As I am prone to changing my mind at the drop of a dead baby, I may not blog or write as frequently as I wish. Not that I have anything better to do. I'm just lazy, I suppose.

So, for those of you who know me, welcome back to the good times. For anyone new who may come along, welcome to awesomeness!

And remember the ground rules, my little IRL coat hangers:

-Please keep any references of who I am IRL to a minimum. Preferably, no references to my identity at all, but as I will inevitably refer to something going on in my life, I ask that you keep it as vague as you can. Consider it my writing challenge for you.

-This is the one blog where I will not hesitate to delete comments I think may be too specific or whatnot. I don't like to delete comments, but in the interest of keeping my "air of mystery", it must be done.

-If you have a difference of opinion with me or with anyone who leaves a comment, that is between you and to whomever you are responding. If you can't take the criticism, GTFO!

-Have fun. Say what you want, do what you want, but be sure to have fun.

Okay, I think that covers it. As I said/wrote before, I'm likely to change my mind at any given moment, so if the rules are not clear to you....well, there's nothing I can do for you. Just try and keep up if you can.


  1. Um... ok. That's all fine & good, but where is the porn? I thought that this was a place for free porn.

    Dammit. The internets are hard.

  2. Porn to come. Don't worry, Ras. Give me time. You'd think midget porn wouldn't take as long to post, but damn it all, it does!


    Well, hello there my friend! Good to see you back in the blogging arena. I've missed you and your blogs.

  4. I'll definitely make more of an effort of blog from now on. And by "more of an effort", I mean I'll at least open the new blog window and attempt to slap the keyboard until something comes out.

  5. Yea verily I say unto you: Patience, my child. I thought about writing what would be my first official "real" blog on this site today, but Figured I might as well save the beginning of Actual Awesomeness for tomorrow. I might change my mind in a little bit, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

  6. Can't wait for the awesomeness and the porn. Yay!
